Europa was built on cooperation and cocreation. The EU-organisation is driven by dialogue and interaction.
Masters in Moderation has been specialising in exactly those key-competencies since 2012 and is worldwide considered as a 'guiding light' in the field of moderation and meeting design.

Our people moderate and facilitate hundreds of meetings & events every year; online and on stage. We provide every event with the moderator or facilitator that it deserves (with no extra costs for our client). Carefully selected for the exact purpose, audience, subject, format and budget of your event.
On top of that, we design fresh meetings and offer professional training & coaching.

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We help the EU to Engage and Unite: objective-based and participant-centric.
Our professional moderators provide interaction and connection, as the proven basis for learning, action and change.
Our team creates a temporary tribe within every meeting or event, with exactly the right atmosphere and culture to make it succesful.

Our team

We offer a carefully selected, diverse mix of professional meeting-moderators, with a proven experience in working for the EU and other international, governmental & public institutions. They are all good, but they all differ in their approach: they range from journalist to mood maker, from off the cuff to a tight hand. Each and everyone are in it to make meetings more fun, more effective and, above all, more worthwhile.

Your perfect moderator-facilitator is a multi-talent, strong on content ánd connection. He or she will make sure the event runs as planned and meets it's objective.

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Amelie mourichon wus OJ 2u Y6w unsplash Meeting Design
Without a clear objective and a carefully designed format, even the best moderator doesn't stand a chance
An event can only be effective, when it's designed with care. We have an extensive experience in designing effective, interactive meetings and energetic, connecting workformats. We know what works and what doesn't.
We like to play with a great variety of creative work formats. We choose existing formats and concepts or we customize a new one.

Training & Coaching

One of our missions is to help others to perfom better as a moderator, facilitator or EmCee. You can embark on an open training or we can design you a tailored in-company workshop. Either way, the education will be personal, hands-on and directly applicable. This will guarantee progress for every single participant.

Internationally, we are famous for our flagship workshop Mastering Moderation. This training has been running for over a decade and has received high ratings from all our 3500+ participants.
Instead or in addition to group-trainings, we'll gladly give you personal coaching:

  • in preparation to an upcoming event
  • to give feedback on a past meeting
  • to work on specific skills
  • as a helpdesk, that you or your colleagues can call anytime.

Finally, we can also train you to design better meetings:

Better meetings & events

We'd love to answer all your questions
  • The best moderator for any event
  • Effective meeting design
  • Professional education

Pictures by Markus Spiske, Jaime Lopes and Amelie Mourichon on Unsplash

Our customers

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ