Only when every part of a meeting contributes to the whole, the participants, the purpose and the moderator will come together. An event can only be effective, when it's designed with care.
Meeting design is about a creative timetable, about the correct workformats, about a perfect timing and about a appropriate use of interaction with the audience. And of course about the desired endresult.

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It's about the participants. Always!

Many meetings are traditionally speaker-oriented. In our opinion, a succesful meeting should always be participant-centric. Only when the participant feels involved and can actually participate, he will learn, gets convinced and will change!

Result = objective x design x moderator

With a good moderator only, you are not there yet, because even een good moderator can't salvage a poor format. If you want a maximum result, you need to get a maximum score on three elements: a clear objective, a perfect format and a suitable moderator. If you don't have a maximum score on all three elements, the endresult will hamper.

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An effective format is in perfect balance

A well designed meeting-design contains an endless spectrum of contrasts: active or relaxed, individual or in groups, big picture or detailed, sending or receiving, emotional or rational, structured or chaotic ... and so on and so on. An effective and creative meeting-format brings all these contrasts in balance and a great moderator can then 'flow in the moment' on stage.

Work formats: traditional when effective, innovative when called for.

Of course, a good speaker is of great value. But there is so much more out there! We like to play with a great variety of creative work formats. We choose existing formats and concepts or we customize a new one. Our moderators have a great number of 'classics' in their ' personal toolbox, yet we also design new work formats almost on a daily basis.

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(pictures by Jaime Lopes, Halacious, Alice Dietrich, Adam Whitlock on Unsplash)

Want to talk about Meeting Design?

Get in touch!
  • Simple advice is 'on the house'
  • Investing in design is always value for money
  • You want our design-power, but not our moderators? No problem!
  • We also provide workshops, so you can learn to design yourself

Our customers

ADC Group
Institut für Hörtechnik und Akustik
Vibe Agency
AIM Group International
BCD Meetings and Events
Noc nsf
NS Groep N V