Once upon a time... there were two moderators

We (Hans Etman en Jan-Jaap In der Maur) had been moderating meetings for many years, when we first met. It was (professional) love at first sight.
Together, we embarked on this adventure: building the agency, educating others and travelling the world to spread the art of masterful moderation.

Up till today, the quest continues. And as far as we're concerned, it isn't over yet. We love every day, every performance, every client and above all: every participant.
The plan is to live happily ever after, together with all those who want to make better meetings.

Meeting-geeks, that's who we are. With a shared vision.

The team

Dagvoorzitter Portret VIERKANT 36

Hans Etman

Our entrepreneurial guiding light. Messenger of focus, composure and insight. Gives full attention, as a moderator an as a business-partner.

Dagvoorzitter Portret VIERKANT 13

Jan-Jaap In der Maur

Founding father of the agency. 24/7 inspiration hotline. Experienced moderator, caring designer of meetings & events, tireless tutor to all who want to become (better) moderators.

Susan Muller Afbeelding1

Susan Muller

Practically Perfect PA (at least, to us). She provides the shoulders that we stand on, organisation-wise. If you have any productional, practical or planning question, get in touch with Susan!

Marianna Dimova

Marianna Dimova

Our financial backbone. Invoice-princess, who talks in facts & figures (and the occasional riddle).

Dagvoorzitter Portret VIERKANT 23

Otto Wijnen

Mister Technology. Our sound foundation, when we go online or hybrid. On top of that, he's a skilled and vibrant speaker-coach.