2020 06 12 12 18 22 Zoom Meeting
  • Upcoming dates: This workshop will be planned upon request. Let us know, when you're interested.
  • Investment: Corporate €415,00 ex VAT. Self Employed €315,00 ex VAT
  • Participants: Minimum 10. Maximum 25.
  • Target Group: Anyone that wants to moderate online and hybrid meetings more effective and energetic.
  • Lwarnings: Activating a group, get everyone involved & engaged, being in charge. Plus a range of digital tools and work formats.

This workshop combines very well with the Workshop Mastering Moderation.

Our trainers and coaches are full-professionals, who are on stage/on screen themselves on a regular basis. They will share anything (really anything!) they know.

Online dagvoorzitter online event
Both online and in-person, partcipants want to be seen, heard and loved
Where ever they are, participants want to participate, have fun and make progress.
It's up to the moderator to make them feel engaged and connected; to show them that they are part of a temporary tribe, no matter where they are.
Exactly that makes online & hybrid moderation such a challenge: the physical distance.

What are we going to do?

We will dive into the universe of digital moderation and we will practise how to effectively moderate online & hybrid.

Make a connection Online this is extra though and extra important at the same time. How do you make sure that those behind a screen feel just as engaged and connected as those in the room?

Moderation JYou'll practise and experience a range of techniques, tips & tricks, that will help you to really engage and connect remote participants.

Online presence Everything from the perfect home studio, to the best position, camera angle, use of voice and on-camera dynamics/energy.

Nightmare situations A speaker who runs long, a dead chat, the endless question, technical failure etc ... we will help you tackle them all, even online. There's also time to bring up your personal nightmare.

Digital platforms & tools New platforms & tools come to market every day. How do you make the best choice, which ones are really good and how do you use them most effectively?

Meeting design Any succesful meeting or event starts with a well-designed program. Online & hybrid need a different approach, demanding different choices and new solutions.

Pivoting to digital The plan was to meet in-person, but now you need to change to digital. How ill you make this work?

Tricks of the trade A long list of tiny yet very important tricks for moderating online.

Workshop Online en Hybride Modereren

  • 500+ participants
  • Overall rating 8.8
  • NetPromoterScore 80!
  • Practical workshop, directly applicable
  • Smooth online moderation
  • Design interactive formats
  • Learn how to truly engage the digital participant

Inspirational online workshop, usefull tips. Super team of trainers. Most importantly: found the fun in online meeting!

Various employees City of Delft
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Together, we make the best match!

We know our moderators better than anyone. We understand your needs. We will gladly help you find the best solution.