Jan-Jaap In der Maur
Workshop Strategic Interaction Design
The Dubai Chambre of Commerce wanted to bring their events to a new level: fun, fresh and foremost e...
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Rick van der Kleij
Metaverse Meetups
Avatar Rick van der Kleij moderated the first in a series of meetups on The Metaverse.

Jan-Jaap In der Maur
Best Event Awards 2021
Online or in-person, an award show should always honour thouse who win ánd entertain those who don't...
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Hans Etman
BEA World Festival
For the third year in a row, we are the content and engagement partners for the 'Oscars of the event...
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Hans Etman
Coca Cola - Café Vergnano
When a small family-run business starts cooperating with a multinational soft drink brand, that offe...
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Sandy Nijhuis
SAP Virtual Event
Meet the Boss came in with a last-minute request: could we provide a moderator!?