More about Yasmin
Yasmin is young, involved and full of energy. Preferable, she spends her days connecting people. She wants to give the stage to all participants, to have them share stories, ideas and inspiration. Making people feel seen and have them come fully into their own is what Yasmin does best.
She's socially involved. Thanks to her teaching and labor union experience, she knows what it takes to have an eye for everyone. Yasmin knows how to make complex content comprehensible.
Yasmin combines a sharp eye with a warm, inviting attitude. Her goal always is: send everyone home inspired by providing more knowledge, insights and energy.
Good to know
- Chair labor union FNV Young & United
- Member Dutch Social Economic Board (SER)
- Masterstudent Sociology
- Languages: Dutch & Arabic (native), English (fluent), French (basic)

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