At Masters in Moderation, established in 2012, we specialize in providing professional moderators, facilitators, and hosts who transform your events into dynamic, participant-centric experiences. Our team is adept in the art of guiding an event, ensuring that each session is engaging, effective, and memorable.

The essence of our moderation services

Our unique selling proposition is our commitment to always ensuring the best match for your event. Our team, comprising individuals who engage in moderation on a weekly basis, is equipped to make the perfect match. Whether you need a facilitator, a master of ceremonies (MC), or a host, we provide assistance in designing interactive and effective meetings, catering to any budget while maintaining a professional, customer-centric approach.

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Diverse moderator profiles for every event

Our team of professionals is as diverse as they are skilled, ranging from journalists to mood makers. Each one brings a unique approach to the table, excelling in making meetings more fun, effective, and above all, more worthwhile. This diversity is crucial, especially when navigating complex environments and ensuring inclusivity across various settings.

Training and coaching - elevating moderation skills

Beyond providing professional moderators, we are passionate about nurturing new talents in the field. Our workshops, training, and coaching sessions are designed to help both aspiring and experienced professionals. We focus on teaching how to design meetings that are both more effective and more enjoyable, taking your moderation skills to the next level.

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Masters in Moderation have been extremely reliable and consistent in connecting us to fantastic individuals. It has significantly improved the delivery and organization of our events. What I value the most is that they always listen, but are never afraid to push back.

Rahul Bhatia The Science and Information (SAI) Organization

You are genius! I have never met so much energy, spread around on a stage. It was really great to work together and I hope we will cooperate soon.

Simone Mazzarelli CEO Ninetynine

Moderation is a crucial part of every successful event! Partnering up with Masters in Moderation is practically a guarantee for an interactive and engaging event; they never seem to run out of creative ideas. I am proud to have gotten to know such great, open people.

Gorazd Cad Conventa Crossover Conference
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Innovative meeting design - our approach

Our extensive experience in meeting design allows us to create formats that are effective, interactive, and energetic. We believe that every element of a meeting should contribute to its overall success. Our creative designs balance various elements to achieve the desired end result, ensuring meetings are memorable and impactful.

Participant-centric meetings - our philosophy

We advocate for a participant-centric approach, moving away from traditional, speaker-oriented formats. Our designs ensure that every participant feels involved and engaged, fostering an environment where every voice can be heard.

The formula for success

We believe that the success of a meeting or event lies in the combination of a clear objective, a perfect format, and a suitable professional at the helm. Hence, our focus is on maximizing these elements to ensure the most effective outcomes.

Work formats - a blend of tradition and innovation

Our work formats range from traditional to innovative, depending on what is most effective for the event. We continuously develop new formats, ensuring that our team has a variety of tools at their disposal. This flexibility is crucial in adapting to the diverse needs of events in a variety of settings.

About Masters in Moderation

Masters in Moderation was founded by Hans Etman and Jan-Jaap In der Maur, two passionate professionals with a vision to improve meetings and events. Our team is composed of meeting-geeks, each with a shared vision and a commitment to excellence. We are dedicated to finding the perfect professional for every event, ensuring that each meeting is a unique and impactful experience.

Hiring a moderator?

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  • Expert selection
  • Experience and expertise
  • Customized advice