Since 2012, we have dedicated ourselves to elevating the standards of workshops and meetings through professional facilitator training. Our offerings include expert-led facilitation skills workshops, comprehensive training courses, and resources for both aspiring and experienced facilitators.

The essence of top-notch facilitation training

At the heart of effective facilitation lies the ability to unlock the potential of any workshop or meeting. Our facilitation training programs are designed to equip you with the skills needed to bring each event to life, ensuring that every participant is engaged, objectives are met, and sessions are memorable. Whether you're looking to enhance your meeting facilitation skills or steer workshops with confidence, Masters in Moderation provides the expertise you need.

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Facilitation training for excellence

Our workshop facilitation training is tailored for those who aspire to lead, inspire, and make an impact. This training encompasses a range of skills workshops, focusing on interactive learning, practical exercises, and real-world applications. Ideal for individuals seeking to improve their facilitation prowess and organizations aiming to refine their internal dynamics, our training programs are your first step towards facilitation excellence.

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It was very special. I never learned so much in two days.

Susanne Altenberg Head of Unit European Parliament

It was one of the best courses I have attented! I loved everything: structure, length, practise.

Sofia Liasi Mediq International

The training was intensive, the quality of the material and the trainers outstanding and the amount learned was phenomenal. It was both a pleasure and privilege to see them firing on all cylinders.

Gijs Hillman International keynote speaker

Now I know all the things I didn’t know. They had solutions for every situation a moderator has to face. Simply an excellent course.

Elling Hamso Event ROI Institute

I found it to be effective, memorable and good value for money. There’s so many skills learnt, you can apply right away.

Peter Wrigglesworth Every Sense Meeting Design
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A comprehensive workshop facilitation course

The workshop facilitation course we offer thoroughly covers all aspects of effective facilitation. From understanding group dynamics to mastering techniques for engaging diverse audiences, our course prepares facilitators to handle any scenario with ease. It’s about transforming ordinary meetings into environments where ideas flourish and objectives are efficiently achieved.

Facilitation skills workshop

Our facilitation skills workshops are transformative, designed to teach the art of effective communication, the science of group behavior, and strategies for navigating challenging situations. These workshops are interactive and engaging, tailored to meet the specific needs of our participants. Whether you're facilitating workshops for corporate teams or engaging with diverse groups, including EU institutions, our training will equip you with the necessary skills.

Elevating your facilitation role

Through our training, you'll learn that the role of a facilitator extends far beyond leading discussions. Our approach teaches you to design participant-centric meetings, ensuring inclusivity and collaboration. You'll become adept at creating atmospheres conducive to open dialogue and meaningful outcomes, setting the stage for successful and impactful meetings.

Get in touch with Masters in Moderation

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  • Expertise and experience
  • Customized solutions
  • Global reach, local expertise